Go un-scouted again. This has to be the... third time?
Either there is something wrong with the system or somebody must really have it out for me. Either way, I'm still going to remain persistent when it comes to the art portal. I've got a mission after all! Like many others, I am rather confused with Newground's hypocritical stance on Art Portal content. On one hand, we have a website that glorifies adult flashes. Not only is there a section of the website dedicated completely to adult material, but we commonly see adult features poking into the top 50 (See Jinks Hentai Parody).
Flip on over to the Art Portal. Any amount of art that borders on adult is abolished immediately. Even something as simple as a tight outfit seems to commonly qualify pieces to be rated M and even something as simple as an exposed buttox (which can even be shown on television) immediately earns you an A rating. Now I'm not going to ridicule the system too much on that point, but I have this to say: Newgrounds has a specifically ADULT section. By default, users are blocked from this section and non-users cannot even access it. You have to be a registered user that is of appropriate age and checks that they want to see adult material in order to view it. Now, with all these safe-guards in place AND the blatant show-casing of adult material in the Flash Portal, why is it so innapropriate to feature images of an ADULT nature in the ADULT section? Instead, artists like myself find that I have to censor myself to post my favorite works.
So I play by the rules. I never posted anything overly sexual. No pornographic dipictions of anything. Only artistic nudes and my clean pics. Quality certainly isn't an issue here, if you read any of my fan reviews. They are doing quite well. Instead, because I'm a furry artist, my work continues to get lumped into the Porn section and I get my scouting revoked once again without even so much as an explanation as to why. Yes, every single time I have been un-scouted I have not been given an explanation as to why. But I am not done yet.
I'll continue to submit images and I'll get re-scouted. I'll push the boundaries even if it's just slightly. One day, I just hope that Newgrounds nuts up and realizes it's blatant oxymoron. They need to let real Adult work into the Art Gallery or abolish Adult Flashwork.
dude I'm with you I have seen alot of people say they like your art and I'm one of them keep making this stuff and you will be at the top of the NG roster.