By Goddess, what a hell of a journey it's been... It's kinda surreal to see who I am today. I'm trying to get back into creating regularly but a lot of my days are spent just coming to terms with all the little things. At my core I'm still the same TB but in a lot of ways, I've completely changed. I'm single again for the first time since my twenties, I'm in full control of my life and I'm actually setting a direction instead of just going where life takes me. I'm making plans, I'm being responsible and I'm doing better about championing for myself. For fuck's sake, I'm finally living as the person I always wanted to be instead of just accepting the gender they told me I was. I am Elizabeth! Every day feels like it comes with new emotional hurdles and accomplishments and I'm still going! I am still working on Warrior of the North Wood because it's a project I love and once I'm feeling a touch more stable in my art, I want to get back to streaming. If I can get past a very big mental hump I may even start hopping on mic.
The key takeaway is that I'm still here and I'm still kicking. I've got a lot of healing and growing to do so please be patient with me but I ain't stopping. I still have a lot left to give.
Hope next year be much better for you, Elizabeth ^^